Food & Hijinx w/ DJ No Food Or Hijinx banner

Food & Hijinx w/ DJ No Food Or Hijinx

Every Friday from 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.

Do you like foods? Do you like eating foods? Maybe even talking about foods? In fact, I bet you like hearing someone else (me) talk about foods while you are monching on some foods (eating part optional), you crazy 'you', you!. Let's be real--frank even--you don't just like foods, you LOVE foods! Quirky foods. Snazzy foods. Evil foods. Maybe even foods that are just plain 'out there'. Beyond that, if we were to talk realistically, eating yummy foods come with the byproduct of a filled stomach. Filled stomachs come with the byproduct of energy and where there's energy, there's "Hijinx". Thus, our show! >:3


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