Café Tacvba’s upbeat sound changed Besame Mucho to Bailame Mucho. The renowned band from Naucalpan de Juárez, Café Tacuba, stylistically known as Café Tacvba, hit the stage at Besame Mucho with all they have to give. On theme with the festival, lead singer Rubén Albarrán was dressed in red, head to toe, and sang his heart out with their opening song “Como te extraño mi amor”.
PHOTO BY closrv
This band wears their heart out on their sleeve, having their top songs be ones surrounding the topic of love yet will not get you down. The crowd was jumping, dancing, singing, holding each other and more. And not just the crowd, but the band as well. As they had their planned antics and dance moves that they made sure to hit during every song.
“Han decidido florecer en donde ustedes quieren”
Albarrán introduced "Las Flores'' by highlighting how the Paisa (Mexican) community has thrived wherever they choose to settle. Throughout "Rarotonga," the crowd enthusiastically joined in, particularly during this song. They echoed the ad-libs at the end with a mix of high and low tones, fully engaging with the wild sounds Albarrán sent their way.
PHOTO BY closrv
Even though the Mexican-favorite “La Ingrata” was missing from their set, I believe due to time constraints, fan-favorite “Eres” did NOT, and I repeat, did NOT miss. The second Emmanuel, the keyboardist for Tacvba, hit the stage and sang his first line,
Eres, lo que más quiero en este mundo eso eres.
As a Mexican Scorpio girl who feels every emotion intensely, I can attest that Café Tacvba's performance transported me, along with everyone else, to the most heartbreaking moments of our lives. Yet, simultaneously, it offered a sense of peace and bliss, encapsulated in this song. I'm still trying to comprehend how they crafted such a piece. To quote my cousin, "¡Qué pinche rolon!(What a track!)"
PHOTO BY closrv