Senior Spotlight: DJ MUNDO

Senior Spotlight: DJ MUNDO

May 3, 2022 in Features


How long have you been a member of KVRX?
I been a member since Spring 2020.

What's your favorite KVRX memory?
My favorite KVRX memory is when I had my cousin from Mexico tune in to my show and he ended up recording me shout him out.

Best advice for a new DJ?
My best advice for new DJ's is to play the music you really like and be yourself.

What degree(s) are you graduating with?

What's your current show?
My current show is MUNDO UNDERGROUND, and I just play nothing but rap from the US and Mexico. I'm on air every Friday from 10 PM - 11 PM.

Tell us about your final playlist!
My final playlist is going to be all of the music I grew up on.

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