If I’m being completely honest, metal is a genre that is not my strong suit. I have a limited exposure to the genere, so any analysis should be taken with a grain of salt. The reality is, it's hard for me to enjoy this type of music, the loud yelling, abrasive guitars, banging drumlines, and explosive basslines, though intriguing, are difficult for me to find extreme enjoyment in.
Amygdala's album Our Voices Will Soar Forever, falls right into this category of music, and on my first listen, it was very daunting album to review. But, with more listens, I found myself discovering hidden guitar riffs, slick basslines, and exciting drum patterns. Most of all, when deciphering the meaning under the roaring delivery of the lead vocalist, I discovered a story of vulnerability and emotional turmoil. It was one of those rare occasions where with each listen, I found myself discovering something new, as well as a broader appreciation for the genre. To me, this album was a profound experience. On the surface, it was nothing more than an average metal album, but when delving deeper, it became something else entirely. If Metal isn’t your fit, I challenge you to give this album a few listens, and hopefully, you can enjoy as much as I did!