Lamba Celsius - Ana Echo and the Beauty of Indifference

March 28, 2019 in Album Reviews

by Swetha

Lamba Celsius - Ana Echo and the Beauty of Indifference by Lamba Celsius

For this record, think low-key club music mixed in with soulful, ethereal melodies and beautiful, poetic lines of thought.

Artist AC Carter (or A^C, or Lamba Celsius) strives to mix sensical, whimsical, feminist sensibilities with 80s-inspired R&B. She breaks boundaries by infusing slightly different notes into each track.

“Grey Goo” is more of a sitting on the hood of your car at night thinking about life mood, while “Precious,” my personal favorite, has a unique beat and is more clubby sounding. You also get more whimsical and less experimental tracks like “Simulacra.”

Overall, a solid album in terms of verse and message, but not super avant-garde when it comes to musical style.

This is a good album to have on rotation when you need something chill or lo-fi, while still keeping things a little different and experimental.


Recommended: Precious, Simulacra


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Recommended: None


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