Word Play Radio
Every Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Word Play Radio is run by DJ Starry Eyes. For the spring semester of 2023 it will be airing from 7-8am on Sunday mornings. Word Play is interested in exploring a theme each episode by introducing a concept, architype, or common trope and then playing songs that contain words regarding that theme either in their titles or prominent lyrics. Songs will be accompanied by commentary from DJ starry eyes who will share fun facts and jokes relevant to the theme of the day.
Examples of episode themes are such as: titles containing the color blue, the concept: of digging/crawling versus jumping/flying, trees, laughing&crying, the seasons, outer space, numbers, and more!
Word Play is a freeform show and so it will be playing a variety of genres, both new and old music, and showcasing Texas-local artists.