Our Music Directors compile weekly charts of the top most played albums on the station.
1. La Luz - Floating FeaturesFloating Features represents La Luz's most ambitious and self-exemplifying work. REC: 2, 5, 6
2. Snail Mail - LushRecent high school graduate Snail Mail effortlessly oscillates between tracks of confidence and contemplation. REC: 2
3. Triathalon - OnlineOnline covers the difficulties that come with balancing life as an artist and as a normal person, plus how the internet can affect them. REC: 4, 9, 3
4. U.S. Girls - In A Poem UnlimitedU.S. Girls' forward-thinking take on pop makes you want to dance and feel empowered at the same time. REC: 5, 1, 2
5. serpentwithfeet - soilVisiting serpentwithfeet's self-contained world is beautiful and evocative. REC: 6, 8, 2, 5, 7, 11
6. TC Superstar - Heat Death The holistic TC Superstar experience has been polished - emphasizing their dance and groovy sound. REC: 5, 1
7. Marmalakes - Please Don't StopThis record, while not the most revolutionary in design, houses catchy hooks and feel good bops that remind you why life's good. REC: 4, 6, 7, 9
8. The Nightowls - We Are The NightowlsA fun upbeat album with shades of classic funk and 80s/90s pop soul. REC: 1, 7
9. The Essex Green - Hardly ElectronicAt times, it sounds remarkably like The New Pornographer's Mass Romantic. REC: 1, 3
10. Post Animal - When I Think of You In A CastleThis album has influences from just about every facet of psych. REC: 2, 6, 10