Getting to Know Your Programming Director: + Hope Lascurain

April 4, 2020 in Features

by DJ Lighter Fluid

Getting to Know Your Programming Director by DJ Lighter Fluid

Major: Marketing

Year: Sophomore

Which song, album, or artist initiated your love of music?
At this point I think I’ve probably re-fallen in love with music at least a handful of different times. But the artist that really did it for me was The Beatles. Growing up, my dad always played his classic rock albums around the house, but it was always the Beatles that we would hear the most. Their music always held a nostalgic place in my heart, but it was when I was fifteen and my dad took a job far out of town that I really clung to their music and fell in love with songs like “She’s Leaving Home” and “Blackbird.”

Sharing this love of Animal Collective’s music that made me feel more comfortable with and let me open up more to the people I’d met in KVRX.

How did you first hear about or get involved with KVRX?
When I was a freshman, one of my best friends joined KANM, Texas A&M’s radio station. She absolutely loved it, so I decided then that I would check out what we had here at UT in the Spring.

It took a semester or two for me to really get involved at KVRX, but I think what changed it for me was when I mentioned to Lydia (our production director) that I was listening to a lot of Animal Collective recently. She absolutely lit up and started talking about their concerts and how she was introduced to their music. She then mentioned that we had unreleased, unedited, analog recordings of when they visited the station in the 2000s and asked if I wanted to hear them.

Um. Absolutely??? Of course, it sounded terrible because they were all recorded analog, but it was wheeze-laughing in the production booth and sharing this love of Animal Collective’s music that made me feel more comfortable with and let me open up more to the people I’d met in KVRX.

What is your first KVRX memory?
My first KVRX memory was the first general meeting that I went to in the spring of 2019. I was shocked at how many people were in KVRX and how different it was from what I had pictured. There were so many different parts to the station that I wanted to be a part of—I wanted to book bands for shows, I wanted to learn how to produce Local Live, I wanted to live in the music library. I felt like there were so many different ways I could grow in the station and I knew that I could find my place in it.

Which shows have you had on KVRX?
Rainy Morning — Spring 2019 — (freeform)

Dog Days — Summer 2019 — (freeform)

Mellow Yellow — Fall 2019 - Spring 2020 — (freeform)

Being Ugly And Tired Is A Full Time Job — Spring 2020 — (Specialty CP - we talk about the glamorous lifestyle of perpetually Ugly and Tired college students)

Which KVRX staff positions have you held?
Public Relations Intern — Fall 2019

Programming Director — Spring 2020

How has KVRX affected your interaction with music?
Joining KVRX gave me a place to talk about music with other people that understood it in the same way that I did. Although I was passionate about music, sometimes I just liked albums and songs for no real reason at all. At KVRX, I could dissect the latest album everyone was raving about one day, and then vibe out at a deep listening session and just enjoy music for music’s sake the next. I guess the main way it’s changed my interaction with music is that it’s made me more comfortable with finding my taste and expanding it.

What’s up outside of KVRX?
Outside of KVRX, I play guitar and bass with my friends whenever I get the chance. I also write songs, embroider, journal and just drive around on my moped looking for The Best vanilla latte served in Austin.

What is your favorite part of KVRX?
The people. When I first joined, I wanted to become involved and learn through the station as much as I possibly could, but I didn’t think that the friendships I’ve made at the station would be how it happened. I love walking into the station and always seeing my friends, but, to quote Web Director Alexander Sothearo Houy, “the thing I love most about the station is that I never have to eat lunch alone.”

What advice would you give to new dj’s?
Whether it be with music you’re not familiar with, learning new ways to host your show, or just talking to new people, always, always, always try to step out of your comfort zone. Also, remember that while it can take some time to find your place at KVRX, when you do, and when you let yourself be known to these people, you’ll find yourself a part of something you won’t want to lose.

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