Meet Your Operations Manager: Cole Hunt

Meet Your Operations Manager: Cole Hunt

November 18, 2021 in Features

by RD Johnson

Major and year?
MIS - Junior

Which song, album, or artist initiated your love of music?
Near the end of my first semester of high school, my parents recommended that I check out one of their favorite bands, the Pixies. Listening to “Bone Machine”, the first song off of Surfer Rosa, I thought, “What is this screamo bullsh*t?” Twelve tracks later I was hooked.

How did you first hear about or get involved with KVRX?
I have counted myself as a devotee of radio for almost as long as I have loved music. Hearing stories from my mother about the chaos of my uncle’s college show on KXLU, I was inspired to join my small town’s independent station KX 93.5 FM. I learned more about radio than I could have ever hoped for; there was no turning back. I visited UT in early August before my senior year of high school. After a lackluster tour of the school, I walked over to the HSM building. I met KVRX’s Music Director Ryan Wen outside the front door. He showed me around the station, and I spent the next hour in the library reading old reviews in the CD jackets of my favorite albums. I knew this was the station where I wanted to be.

What is your first KVRX memory?
After deciding to attend UT, I could not wait to join KVRX. Even before the first general meeting, I saw on the Facebook page that there would be a KVRX social event at Barton Springs. I didn’t know anyone yet, but I went to the station on my own anyway. The only person waiting in the narrow lobby was Mo Walters. I eventually climbed into a Prius with Mo, Alexander Houy, and Jane Palacios. I guess that my first KVRX memory was Jane blasting Weezer at a deafening volume on the way to Barton Springs.

Which shows have you had on KVRX?
Radio Cure (freeform) - Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021

Unseen Power of the Picket Fence (specialty - classic indie rock from the 1980s and 1990s) - Spring 2020

AT THE RAVEUP!!! (specialty - garage punk) - Spring 2021

Which KVRX staff positions have you held?
Music Director (Spring 2020 - Summer 2021) & Operations Manager (Fall 2021)

How has KVRX affected your interaction with music?
KVRX has expanded my musical taste more than I could have imagined. Coming into college, I remained comfortably within the confines of indie rock. Since joining KVRX, I have fallen into more genres than I could count. Just listening to the station, I constantly hear new artists that could have taken me years to find on my own — all thanks to our DJs.

What's up outside of KVRX?
I am also heavily involved in two other student organizations, but outside of everything on campus, I love collecting vinyl and going to shows. If you ever need someone to record shop or see a show with, drop me a line.

What is your favorite part of KVRX?
Though I love radio for its own sake, what truly makes KVRX is the people. I have never found a community so united by a common passion. Everyone shares a love of music, and I love learning from everyone around me.

What advice would you give to new DJ's?
Being on-air can be intimidating. Everyone messes up their first show, their first month, or even their first semester. I make mistakes on-air all the time. But, it only gets better. As long as you want to learn from those around you, you will find yourself sounding like a veteran before you even realize it. The station itself can be intimidating, but everyone wants to meet new people. Come to general meetings, rotations, Local Lives, library shelvings, deep listenings, and live shows. You won’t regret it.

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