Meet Your Video Director: Matt Lewis

March 24, 2021 in Features

by Matt

Meet Your Video Director: Matt Lewis by Matt

Major: RTF

Year: Junior

Which song, album, or artist initiated your love of music?

Torches by Foster the People and/or Hot Fuss by the Killers.

How did you first hear about or get involved with KVRX?

Through my friend Sabrina. She suggested getting involved with TSTV when I first transferred into RTF and I fell in love with Local Live.

What is your first KVRX memory?

The mock Local Live we had for training with Lainey Gonzales.

Which KVRX staff positions have you held?

Photo Intern — Spring 2020

Video Director — Fall 2020, Spring 2021

How has KVRX affected your interaction with music?

I have come to appreciate smaller, lesser-known artists as well as the discovery of those artists.

What’s up outside of KVRX?

I am also a Photo Editor for Afterglow ATX, a student assistant for the Office of the Registrar, a videographer and video editor for Emerald City Productions in Dallas, and I do freelance photography (mostly concerts and portraits).

What is your favorite part of KVRX?

The community for sure. It feels like more than just an org. Also, compared to other orgs I have been in, the communication is pristine and makes you feel welcomed.

What advice would you give to new dj’s?

Honestly, get involved with other aspects of KVRX like the productions we put on to help diversify your experience and meet new people.

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