Formed in 2022, EXOTIC FRUITICA is a local punk group delivering harsh vocals reminiscent of the Viagra Boys and instrumentation straight out of your favorite hardcore record. Returning to SXSW for another year of quick sets and loud shows, members Jon French, Aaron Gilligan and Charlie Cruz came to the station to talk with us about their latest LP, EXOTIC FRUITICA and their upcoming performances.
“At the end of the day, you can call (us) just straight punk,” said vocalist French. “But if you don't want to put it in a little box, like post-post-punk.”
In 2023, EXOTIC FRUITICA released their first album, Cruel. The 31 minute release featured songs with brazen vocals, fuzzy guitar, and relentless drum beats. At the time of recording, EXOTIC FRUITICA was still forming as a band.
“We met Charlie and we'd already had the studio time booked,” said French. “So we threw him in and said, ‘Hey, we're already recording. We have it booked. Do you want to just come play on it?’ And so that's when he joined the band.”
In August, EXOTIC FRUITICA dropped their latest project, EXOTIC FRUITICA. French said they originally intended to record just four tracks, but ended up creating the 11 track album within the same studio session. The sound on EXOTIC FRUITICA retains the punk spirit from their previous album while exploring new sonic realms in what Gilligan describes as a “thought experiment.”
“Me and John were pretty intent on going into the studio being like, genres don't exist,” said Gilligan. “If we have a fun idea we want to play with it and fuck whatever genre box we're trying to put it in and just see what would come out of that.”
As a result, EXOTIC FRUITICA features tracks such as “Can’t Come Down” and “Martini Song” that depart from the band’s previous punk sound. The slow pulsing start of the 8 minute opening track “Can’t Come Down” builds slowly with a spoken-word style performance from French. The pulsing grows to its apex, ending in an explosion of drums and vocal repetition of the word “fur.” Since its creation, EXOTIC FRUITICA said “Can’t Come Down” has become a divisive part of the album.
“It was a serious fuck you from us to anyone that listens to us,” said French. “(Can’t Come Down) is the most nonsensical track we can put first on an album, and it will deter most people.”
“If you’re brave enough to get through this, welcome to the journey,” said Gilligan.
“Martini Song” includes a bluesy bass line that French said was meant to emulate a “punk polka.” In addition to branching out in new directions, the LP also includes classic post-punk sounds, taking listeners on a journey defying genres.
“Recording it I was like, man, this is a cluster fuck, this is too many different directions,” said Cruz. “But now listening to that fucker from beginning to end, it's like, holy shit. This is its own vibe.”
Cruz said his favorite track off the LP is “Alabama Wurlitzer.”
“Every time I listen to it, I just get even more hyped,” Cruz said. “I listened to it on the way here today.”
The song is inspired by the film True Romance, with many of the lyrics being pulled from the film’s dialogue.
“If you listen to it and you know the movie and Quentin Tarantino, you're like, ‘I know exactly what he's talking about right now,’” French said.

DJ Nour, @capturedbydina
Just days away from this year’s South by Southwest, EXOTIC FRUITICA looks forward to returning as an official artist.
“I always just look at it as a chance to tighten up and play a lot in a short period of time without diluting your draw. It's like being able to go on tour with no cost of touring,” French said. “Last year after South By we were so tight as a band because we played 12 shows in six days.”
“That was the wildest South by of my life,” Cruz said. “We played so much and we just kept getting offers for late night shows.”
As an official artist last year, EXOTIC FRUITICA dealt with an influx of show offers as bands continually dropped out of lineups due to the controversy surrounding the festival.
“We decided to stick it out,” said French. “We don't give a fuck about the people that own South by, right? We give a fuck about hotel Vegas. We give a fuck about Volstead. We give a fuck about 13th Floor. Those are our friends who own the clubs, who work at the clubs. It would impact them the most if bands dropped.”
This year, EXOTIC FRUITICA said they’re looking forward to returning sans controversy and being able to play the short sets often booked for SXSW shows.
“We've packed a 20 minute set that is a quick punch, and then we're gone,” Cruz said. “It feels like you’re getting punched in the mouth.”
EXOTIC FRUITICA is infamous for delivering brutally short sets.
“We did that at Mohawk last week, “ French said. “This guy showed up to see us at 11:15 and we started at 11:00. He's like, ‘you guys about to go on?’ and was like, ‘no we just finished.’”
If you’re looking for a quick punch in the mouth from this local band, be sure to show up early and catch EXOTIC FRUITICA at one of their many official–and few unofficial–shows this SXSW.
“We're on one bill that I'm really excited about,” said French. “Art Decade at Elysium (with) Urban Heat… J’cuuzi and Night Ritualz are also on the bill."
To hear more from EXOTIC FRUITICA and their upcoming shows, be sure to keep an eye on their Instagram!

DJ Nour, @capturedbydina