Meet Your Photo Director: Erin Eubanks

March 18, 2021 in Features

by DJ lil jiNj

Meet Your Photo Director: Erin Eubanks by DJ lil jiNj

Major: Journalism/Philosophy

Year: Senior

Which song, album, or artist initiated your love of music?

Abbey Road and The Beatles when I was a wee laddess.

How did you first hear about or get involved with KVRX?

At transfer orientation.

What is your first KVRX memory?

Shooting photos at the Rare Bloom Local Live and being completely in awe at how cool it was.

Which shows have you had on KVRX?

Movin' and Groovin' — Fall 2018 — Freeform

Explora Dora — Spring 2019 — Freeform

Which KVRX staff positions have you held?

Photo Director — Spring 2019, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021

How has KVRX affected your interaction with music?

KVRX has allowed me to be much more exploratory and open-minded when it comes to music! It has also taught me to keep clicking the "Fans Also Like" artist list on Spotify.

What’s up outside of KVRX?

Outside of KVRX, I enjoy making tunes, dancing, and cracking a good pun every so often. Also, I enjoy painting and jewelry making, as well as portrait photography. I tried modeling last year, and that was no good. I’m big into haikus at the moment. You could say I have a one-track mind.

What is your favorite part of KVRX?

My favorite part of KVRX pre-pandemic was getting to meet everyone and hang out in the lounge. Now it's getting to use my creative abilities to create things with talented musicians and KVRX members!

What advice would you give to new dj’s?

If you have any ideas that you think would be fun/cool/interesting for KVRX, do them. You'd be amazed at what you can create with all the resources you have through KVRX!

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